Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Some more Ringo...

My wife and I are driving to western NJ to see the kids at camp on Sunday, listening to Breakfast With The Beatles on Q104.3 as I do pretty much every Sunday morning. I especially wanted to listen to this one, as the interview with Ringo is going to be played.

So we are listening and Ken announces that he will be playing hte first half of the interview in the next segment. We listen and wait (OK I wait and she continues to read her book). Then Ken announces the first part of the intervew ***from where we started the tape rolling!!!*** This means that the first thing everyone gets to hear (especially me) is me chatting with Ringo about reel-to-reel tape recorders vs. DAT. a total *WOOHOO!* moment for me.

I have a copy of the whole thing coming to me from the radio station. Needless to say I will listen to the beginning a dozen or so times :)

That's it for now - back to following the news on Israel's war.

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